Montag, 16. November 2015

NANOWRIMO 2015 Update #1

Hi guys!

We officially crossed the halfway point of National Novel Writing Month today. So this means the total word count should be 25.000 or more.
Did I reach it yet? No. But that's okay. I was super busy the past couple of days and my motivation to write at night or while others are watching my current Netflix obsession aka Supernatural (need to start Season4!!) wasn't at it's top.
So what to do when you fall behind? Just don't give up. I gave up last year, but regretted it for the last eleven months. So now, even if I am not in reach of that word count goal yet, I will keep on writing. I almost wrote every day. I admit some of the days I only wrote about 200 words but that is still 200 more than nothing. The two days I didn't write were packed with a concert and a wedding, so I knew from the start that I probably wasn't going to write on these days anyway.
Although I like writing from the beginning to the end, I had problems with that during the last week of Nano. I started to jump around in the story, and started new chapters, some people swear on. If you are currently writing on your Novel too, and you feel stuck, just try this method, it can help a lot. I personally used it mostly to outline future chapters, but in some cases I got caught up in the scene and now half of the chapters are already finished. It helps to set the direction of your plot, especially if you are like me and haven't gotten around to figure out the resolution yet.

I am snapping every day of Nanowrimo to document my journey. I got inspired to do that from the lovely Youtuber Kristina Horner who did this for a couple of years now. I put up a video about the first half of Nanowrimo, so if you want to see how I was doing day by day, check that out!

Thanks for reading, hope to see you all at the Nanowrimo Finishline at November 30th.
PS: I am still looking for some writing buddies, so add me if you want -thelifeofkatha- ;).

See ya soon,

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