Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2015

Christmas Struggles + Merrybookmas

Hi guys!

Sorry for being away the last two weeks. The Christmas crazyness just catched up with me.
As I am helping Santa and the Christkind (yes I do believe in both) with presents and buying a tree as well as prep everything and baking cookies like a mad woman, I also attended traditional get-togethers for some Glühwein.
All of the above and the fact that I am participating in #Merrybookmas on Youtube this year (which you can find below ;)) got me pretty stressed out these last couple days and weeks.
Fun fact, I am not even doing as good with the daily videos for #Merrybookmas as I hoped.
This is just a quick post to tell you that I haven't forgotten about you lovely people who read my blog :). There is new content coming very very very soon. I promise you that!
And for now I hope you all enjoy the holidays and have a great time. Don't let the crazyness get to you ;)


Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015

Top 5 Books I Read This Fall

Hi guys!

After the example of Regan from PersueProject over on Youtube I wanted to start this seasonal series of 'Top 5 Books I Read'.
So I am scrolling through my Goodreads and telling you which books I read in September, October and November, what rating I gave them and my Top 5 picks with a little synopsis. As this series progresses you will find more summaries and reviews in my monthly wrap ups :).

Montag, 7. Dezember 2015

Weihnachtliche Buch Geschenksempfehlung

 Frohen Advent liebe Leute!

Für alle die dieses Jahr dem Christkind oder Weihnachtsmann unter die Arme greifen wollen, und dabei an ein Buchgeschenk gedacht haben, ist dieser Blogpost.
Ich habe meine persönlichen Favoriten in den folgenden Gruppen verlinkt. 
Es sind noch 2 1/2 Wochen Zeit, also wenn ihr auch so Weihnachtseinkaufsmuffel seit wie ich: Jetzt aber ran und schnell die Besorgungen erledigen ;).
Viel Spaß beim stöbern. Ich denke es ist für jeden etwas dabei, vielleicht findet ihr ja ein wenig Inspiration :).

Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2015

Bookish Christmas Gift Guide

HOHOHO and Merry Christmas - almost ;)!

For all of you who were thinking about gifting a book this year, I wanted to share my personal picks.

I am pretty sure you will find something for everyone, just browse through the inspiration here. 
With two and a half weeks more to go, there is still enough time for buying a bookish gift. 

Freitag, 4. Dezember 2015

November Wrap Up / Lesemonat November

Hi guys and welcome back to my blog!

So this is going to be an interesting new thing I want to start for every month.
Since I was born and raised in Austria and still living there I wanted to include monthly reading wrap-ups also in german. Many of the books I read in english have a later release date for the german version. So why not share my opinion for them also in my native language.
Also I do know a lot of people who do prefer reading in german ;).
To make this easier I will start off with the english Wrap-Up and than follow up with the german one in a different color.
Hope you like this new extension of my blog :).

Hallo Leute,
ich wollte eine neue monatliche Serie starten, für alle die ebenfalls so gerne lesen wie ich aber dann doch lieber auf Deutsch. Da ja viele von den Büchern die ich so auf Englisch lese auch auf Deutsch rauskommen, könnt ihr hier jedes Monat nachlesen welche Bücher ich gelesen habe und meine ersten Gedanken dazu. Ich hoffe die Veränderung gefällt euch. Ich weiß ja dass einige meiner Freunde auch lieber auf Deutsch lesen ;). Die deutsche Zusammenfassung wird immer unter der englischen in dieser super tollen Farbe sein, um die Dinge ein bisschen zu vereinfachen. Viel Spaß :)!

Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2015

NANOWRIMO 2015 Update #3 - The End

Hi lovely internet people!

Monday the 30th of November was the last day of National Novel Writing Month 2015.
My total word count for this month is 25.150.
So I didn't win Nanowrimo this year but at least I made it through the half way, which I am totally fine with. Like I said before, 50.000 words are a lot and this is more than I have written in a long time. I still like my steampunkesque novel idea and I will keep writing it until I have a final first draft. I do believe that this has the potential to be a great story, or at least I would like to read the finished project ;).