Hi guys!
I finally managed to get back to posting on my blog - wow.
I have been super busy lately, and some major changes are coming up in my life. On the good side, this means, I will follow my passion and ramble more about books, so you will definitely read, see and hear much more from me comes November.
Make sure you follow me on all of the social media to be updated ;).
But now to the most important thing NANOWRIMO!
I am participating in Nanowrimo again this year, after attempting it for the first time last year.
Nanowrimo stands for 'National Novel Writing Month' and takes place every November in which a lot of very crazy people try to write 50.000 words or more in one month. Why do that? To get that novel you always wished to write finally on paper, or the computer ;).
It definitely is hard, and I did not win Nanowrimo last year, and although I am not fully prepared either this year, thank you lazy couch potato self, I want to try again.
If you love writing or you have a story idea stuck in your head that needs to get out, jump onto the Nanowrimo page right now and start with me comes November 1st.
If you decide to give it a chance than yay -let's be writing buddies.
You can find me as thelifeofkatha ;).
It's all about having fun and get down that first draft. The forum is there to help if questions of any kind arise. Even such as 'what should I name my monster?'.
For this year I also want to do daily updates on Snapchat - so if you are interested in seeing how far I come every day, and believe me the struggle is real, than add me on Snapchat. If you haven't guessed, my Snapchat name is thelifeofkatha ;D.
If you don't have Snapchat but still want to see me, probably acting all weird, because let's be real, 50k in one month is insane, check out my YouTube account! I am trying to compile all of the snaps in weekly Vlogs for you guys :).
With nothing more to say right now, let's post this so you will have a chance to actually check out Nanowrimo before November.
Happy Halloween!!!
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